Arica Profactor Evaluation


A Profactor is a Proficient who is motivated and authorized to present Arica® programs as part of the School’s ongoing embodiment of the Work for the benefit of all and the realization of Humanity-One.

A Profactor is ethically responsible for presenting the trainings as they are, without embellishment, for the protection and integrity of the Work.

The Arica School® Training Guidelines, Sponsor • Profactor • Participant, states that Profactors must be working an individual training practice to have the stability of The State, and therefore, the necessary level to present the Work in order to be able to transmit the Knowledge and Spirit of the School and to be in function.

The person whose name you will enter below has applied for Profactor certification.

The Profactor candidate will receive a synthesis of the evaluations without names attached to the information. If a candidate is not in agreement with the TASCC decision based on the evaluation information, the candidate will have the opportunity to process the decision and if necessary selected evaluators may be contacted again.

Please let us know if you are unable to evaluate this applicant or if you have any questions.

In Brotherhood

The Trainings and Sponsors Coordinating Committee


Prior to starting the evaluation, it is recommended that you find a quiet place, sit quietly with eyes closed and practice Kath–channel Breathing for one minute.

* indicates required field.

© 1972, 2023 The Oscar Ichazo
The contents of the above training(s) with all accompanying yantras and illustrations are fully protected by copyright law.
Used with permission. All rights reserved.

Arica, Arica School, Chua K’a Bodywork, Protoanalysis, Psychocalisthenics, Universal Logos, and Velocity
are registered trademarks of Ichazo, LLC.
P-Cals and Psychocalisthenics are registered trademarks in Canada.

Advanced Psychocalisthenics, Arica Daily Routine, Arica Day of Light, Arica Introductory Program, Arica Way of the Heart, Core Fire: Awaken • Generate • Revitalize, Divine Forms Day Training, Illumination and Completion in the Process of Death Training, Kath Awareness Movements (Exercises), Kath State: The Energy of Inner Fire, Meditations for the T'ai Chi School, Nine Hypergnostic Systems, Psychoalchemy: Awakening Pure Vitality Group Training, Psychocalisthenics Training, Team-One Training, The Arica Minds of Transcendence, The Arica Nine Ways of Zhikr Training, The Arica Workshop, The Couple For Evolution Training, The Five Ways of Arica, The Integral Protoanalysis of The Scarab Trainings, Toham Kum Rah, and Vortex Points are trademarks of Ichazo, LLC.

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