Arica® Study Groups

What are Study Groups?

Study groups are Aricans getting together to discuss the Work. There are two types of study groups, one for trainings and one for studying Oscar’s books.

Study Groups for Trainings

If you are doing one of the trainings of the Realms, for example Divine Nature, or you would enjoy doing a training again, a study group can be a great support.

The Indications for Arica individual trainings have a section stating:


“ … working with one’s Octagon or study group is a vital support, since the actual debate of experiences between participants is indispensable for observing an attitude of impartiality with the process, for attaining a realistic understanding of the entire practice, and for gaining perspective on one’s actual experience.” – Oscar Ichazo

Study Groups for Books

There are also study groups related to a specific book; for example, reading and discussing The Nine Constituents as a group. A number of these study groups are ongoing in Europe, South America and the United States.

How to Find a Group

The Arica Membership Team (AMT) would like to support you in joining or forming a study group on Zoom. If you have a training you want to do or a book you want to read and discuss, let us know and we will announce it for you in the ADU Report and the Members Website, and we’ll put you in touch when we hear from others.

To start a group, you will need an initial contact person and someone who can set up a Zoom meeting (the host). Once the participants agree on the frequency of meetings and who will host, the Membership Team can let the School know via the ADU Report and the Members Web Site. Then you’re on your way.

If you have questions, or need further assistance, contact AMT using this form:

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